Updated release on ‘Return to play’ requirements

Please find attached the much-anticipated release from AV in relation to Return to Play. For most of you, AV is not the only player in this space. Many of you are on property leased from your Local Government Authority, and you will need to clear access to your ranges with them if you haven’t already done so.

AV is asking for your Return to Play plans and your Risk Assessments. We don’t do this to impede your club activities. The State Government is holding us accountable for operations at your clubs, and we need to make sure that we are not only doing the right thing but are being seen to do the right thing in the eyes of the government and the public.

Please remember that we are often in the eye of the public, and any breaches of the current restrictions may jeopardise us getting back to full play.

Please give us a call if you have any concerns or issues.

Irene Norman

Secretary Archery Victoria

E: secretary@archeryvic.org.au  

T: 0417 538 672

W: www.archeryvic.org.au


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