Grand Prix

The Archery Victoria Grand Prix series seeks to provide all archers opportunities to compete and hone their skills under competition conditions.

The individual Grand Prix disciplines contested are conducted in the Target, Field, and 720 events, and awards are given specifically for those individual disciplines.

The Championship Grand Prix award recognises those who have performed the best at each of the recognised State Championships over the calendar year – for all of the disciplines combined – including Target, Short Range, Indoor, Field, and Clout.

Points are awarded based on the finishing position or rank for each archer as follows:

 1st  25 points  6th  8 points
 2nd  18 points  7th  6 points
 3rd  15 points  8th  4 points
 4th  12 points  9th  2 points
 5th  10 points  10th  1 point






Medals are awarded to 1st place only. In the event of a tie, multiple medals shall be awarded.

Archers must shoot in a minimum of 3 events to qualify.

We are grateful to the Organisations below for their ongoing support of Archery in Victoria.

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